Introducing Pink Regalia Mobile Clinics, offering individual custom scans for our specialized custom prosthetics. Garment fittings and selections of mastectomy lingerie will be available! Stephany believes it is vital that women are informed of their many, wonderful choices after breast surgery...custom forms, pre-made forms, and beautiful selections of mastectomy and lumpectomy garments.
Pink Regalia's mission is to reach women across the globe. That means expanding outside of its physical locations – bringing its services and mastectomy wear to those who need it.
We will begin our Summer Tour in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia! "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." Zechariah 4:10. As the opportunities grow, so will our mobile outreach.
We are available to set up in a variety of locations:
Physician’s office
Support group
Local boutique [we love to collaborate]
Location of choice
When you schedule a clinic, Pink Regalia will provide information for participants to prepare for your clinic, a flyer for you to market your event, and post it on our website as well.
To get more information or schedule a clinic, CLICK HERE.